Contact information

DRV Legal, s.r.o.
Law firm

Šumavská 525/33,
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic

ID: 29315883, VAT: CZ29315883

registration in the Commercial Register:
file no. C 77238, registered with the Regional Court in Brno

front desk:

tel.: +420 543 216 742
fax: +420 543 216 747

Parking is possible in the Lidl underground garage in the Lidl customer spaces. The entrance to the garage is from Šumavská Street, only in the direction of Pod kaštany or Veveří street.
The entrance to building A is from the elevated floor, where the Czech Post office is located. Before entering the building with the Lidl store, use the outside stairs and then go past the Czech Post office on the left to reach the reception of Building A.
From the underground garages, you can also use the lift located at the back of the garage next to the car wash, which will take you to the raised floor (2nd floor) from where you will go to Building A.
To enter the building, you must present identification document.

Prague office

Vinohradská 35/25,
120 00 Praha 2 - Vinohrady

We support

Pomáháme dětem Foundation

The “Pomáháme dětem” (Helping Children) Foundation was established to support and help children with disabilities, handicapped and seriously ill children and children in residential care homes throughout the Czech Republic. The functioning of the “Pomáháme dětem” Foundation focuses not only on individual assistance, but also on providing assistance in the form of projects in cooperation with civic associations. Our goal is to effectively help as many children as possible, and above all we would like to brighten as many children's faces as possible in difficult life situations.

On 5 February 2016, the Czech Bar Association was authorised by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic to resolve out-of-court consumer disputes in the area of disputes between attorneys and consumers arising from contracts for the provision of legal services (pursuant to Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumer Protection, as amended). The website of this authorised body is